Congregation Ahavath Chesed--Welcome

Services: Shacharit: Shabbat 9:45AM. Daily minyan Monday-Friday at 7:00AM, 8:00Am on Sunday. Mincha/Maariv: 10 minutes before sunset. (Note most of the year we often do not have a full "minyan" on weekdays but between Tisha b'Av and Labor day and during Chol Hamoed Sukkot, we often do).

Shavuot Holiday: Standing Together at Sinai

Celebrate the holiday of Shavuos • June 12 and June 13 • Servicesat 9:45am • Special Dairy Kiddush lunch after services on June 12 (12:30PM)

Questions, Email



Congregation Ahavath Chesed is a Modern Orthodox synagogue that was founded over 125 years ago. We welcome both experienced daveners and those who want to learn. We invite you to join us in shaping our second century.
Ahavath Chesed is located at 590 Montauk Avenue, New London CT 06320. Please contact us at (860) 442-3234. Sit-down kiddush after every shabbat morning service. Once a month we have a sunday bagel breakfast after services. Several times a year, we have community meals after Friday night or Saturday morning services.
Our Rabbi: Rabbi Avrohom Sternberg

New! Divrei Torah from our community! Every month, a member of our community will write a Dvar Torah on the parashat of the week.

April 20,2023: Parashat Tazria-Metzora Tazria-Metzora.

      President - Martin Manley
      Vice President - Gary Bertman
      Financial Secretary - Sonny Hendel z"l
      Recording Secretary - Melvin Miller
      Treasurer - Allen Stein
      Assistant Treasurer - TBD
      Synagogue Administrator (email: